Whilst we do not stipulate any particular academic qualifications, you will need all the below qualities to become a successful Celebrant.
It is important to build a good working relationship with funeral directors, crematorium staff, and others. The ability to develop and maintain a good reputation in the local community and with other organisations within the Funeral profession will enable you to build a reputable business.
Whilst we do not stipulate any particular academic qualifications, you will need all the below qualities to become a successful Celebrant.
It is important to build a good working relationship with wedding venues and 3rd party wedding suppliers. The ability to develop and maintain a good reputation in the local community and with other organisations within the Wedding profession will enable you to build a reputable business.
All Terms and Conditions are to UK regulated standards.
What is the minimum and maximum time to complete a course? There is no minimum as you can work at your own pace in your own time. The course time frame is 12 months. Is there an age limit for those who wish to train? There is no upper age limit for those wishing to train for this work. On successful completion of your course(s), celebrants either work on a self-employed basis, or are employed by their organisation. Training on self-employment is included. Do you accept an Advanced Learner Loan from the government? Or any funding for that matter? We do not accept Advanced Learners Loans however if you are employed and are about to be made redundant in Wales (UK) we do accept REACT funding for your course. We also accept payments via a payment plan. Please contact us regarding this. NB: This funding is only available in Wales at present time. Is it possible to pay by instalments for an online training course? Yes, we offer a payment plan as of January 2022 – the payments will be split into three monthly downloads – your course content will mirror this, and also be split into three monthly downloads. Please contact us for more details. Is it possible to purchase a course if I live outside of the UK? And would there be any need to visit the UK to complete the training? Yes, you can purchase a course from outside of the UK. There is no need to visit the UK. Are the Training Courses relatable to Countries outside the UK? Yes, each course requires you to research and find out your legal requirements for the country that you reside and work in. Is the role of a Celebrant for me?
If you have a passion for supporting others, have a creative side to you, enjoy public speaking and can speak publicly. Do you have the confidence to take the lead? Then this role is perfect for you. This course will cover everything you need to know to give you the knowledge of the industry, the practical work so you can go out and officiate at ceremonies with confidence and professionalism. Our course will take you through every element, so even if you are new to learning, you will be guided through at your own pace. How quickly can I start? As soon as you have chosen your course, made your payment, our technical team will issue you with an invite to join the members area of our website, this is done usually within 24 hours of payment, however if payment is done over a weekend, this may take 48 hours. I am new to Celebrancy, and I have never run my own business? This course will teach you everything you need to know about Celebrancy, and we can advise you on running your own business, or you could take the opportunity of joining our franchise team. Will I be supported? You will never be alone, we have a wonderful team of qualified Celebrants, all who able to advise and talk you through any situation. You will then have access to a monthly Q&A session with your fellow students and the mentors. You'll also immediately gain access to Facebook, where are students come together for support. On completion you will receive a certificate. You will receive a digital and hard copy certificate, also six months free membership to our celebrant directory. We also offer to enhance your CPD (Continuous professional development) with more course, should you wish to do so. Shadowing a Celebrant on the job? This is possible, all of our celebrants are willing to help and guide new celebrants, please be advised in current circumstances with COVID this might not always be possible. |
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Our NOCN Center Number is ICP Celebrants 30003224
The International Corporation of Professional Celebrants operates as a trading name of The International Professional Celebrants FZ-LLC, a company registered in the United Arab Emirates. IPC Training UAE - FZ-LLC is also a linked business under the same corporate structure, providing specialised training services for worldwide Celebrants. Trade License No. 17002059.
The International Corporation of Professional Celebrants. All Rights Reserved. | Web Design by Line of Vision